1. Which one of the options given below refers to the degree (or arity) of a relation in relational database systems ? [GATE-2023: 1M]

Number of attributes of its relation schema

Number of tuples stored in the relation.

Number of entries in the relation.

Number of distinct domains of its relation  schema.

Answer: Number of attributes of its relation schema


2. A prime attribute of a relation scheme R is an attribute that appears [GATE-2014: 1M]

in all candidate keys of R.

in some candidate key of R.

in a foreign key of R.

only in the primary key of R.

Answer: in some candidate key of R.


3. In an Entity-Relationship (ER) model, suppose R is a many-to-one relationship from entity set E1 to entity set E2. Assume that E1 and E2 participate totally in R and that the cardinality of E1 is greater than the cardinality of E2. Which one of the following is true about R? [GATE-2018: 1M]

Every entity in E1 is associated with exactly one entity in E2.

Some entity in E1 is associated with more than one entity in E2.

Every entity in E2 is associated with exactly one entity in E1.

Every entity in E2 is associated with at most one entity in E1.

Answer: Every entity in E1 is associated with exactly one entity in E2.


4. Given the basic ER and relational models, which of the following is INCORRECT? [GATE-2012: 1M]

An attribute of an entity can have more than one value.

An attribute of an entity can be composite.

In a row of a relational table, an attribute can have more than one value.

In a row of a relational table, an attribute can have exactly one value or a NULL value.

Answer: In a row of a relational table, an attribute can have more than one value.


5. An ER model of a database consists of entity types A and B. These are connected by a relationship R which does not have its own attribute. Under which one of the following conditions, can the relational table for R be merged with that of A? [GATE-2017: 1M]

Relationship R is one-to-many and the participation of A in R is total.

Relationship R is one-to-many and the participation of A in R is partial.

Relationship R is many-to-one and the participation of A in R is total.

Relationship R is many-to-one and the participation of A in R is partial.

Answer: Relationship R is many-to-one and the participation of A in R is total.


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